Kalye Porn Yeah

You have to make every single freaking moment count because we can't control life. We don't own life. We own the moments we make and the only way to make remembering worthwhile is to make sure that there are moments left to remember.
Sometimes, we forget to forget to forget. Sometimes, nothing's left but an unexplainable gap between then and now. It's not something you would complain about, because you won't remember why the gap exists, but the gap would exist. It would grow to be deeper if you search it. It would not cease even if you don't look at it. 

Here's a music video my friend made way baaaaaaack in college. I have so many awkward staring at the camera moments here. My make-ups were all smudgy and my hair's a huge mess and I was walking and walking and boy, ain't my dress freaking cute?! Anyway, I thought of sharing this because it's fun. It's fun to be a part of my life, and stay a part of it. I like remembering things. I like looking back with a sigh of content resignation. Life is great. Thank you for the memories and the gaps.

The song's quite interesting too. It's nice to know you have invested not just on yourself, on people or on things. It's nice to know you can go all-in. Win or lose, it's nice to know you can actually fight for things.

If you find yourself making foolish decisions, read this. It's great.

How are you?

Think bright. Smile a lot. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! super awkward moments for me hihi but i love our director for that music vid. Someday, maybe she'd be reading this. hello Seska! AMISHUE! :D


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